How Lighting Affects Your Mood and Productivity:

A Scientific Guide to Improving Your Lighting Setup from Desk Lamp Manufacturers

The science behind light and mood

Light plays a significant role in our everyday lives, affecting our mindset, productivity and overall well-being. But how exactly does it impact our mood and emotions? In this section, we will delve into the science behind light and mood to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms at play.

The role of light in regulating the circadian rhythm

One of the key ways light affects our mood is through its influence on our circadian rhythm. The circadian rhythm is the internal clock that regulates our sleep–wake cycle, hunger and other physiological processes. It is primarily controlled by the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) found in the brain, which responds to light and dark signals. 

By contrast, exposure to artificial light, particularly the blue light emitted by electronic devices, can disrupt our circadian rhythm and interfere with our ability to fall asleep at night. This is why our table lamp manufacturers at EGLO advise against using smartphones and other devices when in bed. Instead, it would be better to engage in relaxing activities before bed time, such as meditating or reading a book, to help you fall asleep quickly.

The influence of light on the release of hormones

Light also plays a crucial role in the release of hormones that affect our mood and emotions. For example, exposure to bright light can stimulate the release of serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with positive feelings of happiness and well-being. Conversely, a lack of exposure to natural light has been linked to a decrease in serotonin levels, which can contribute to symptoms of depression. 

Meanwhile, exposure to natural light stimulates the production of vitamin D, an essential component for maintaining healthy bones and reducing inflammation. Low levels of vitamin D can link to a range of health problems, including depression, anxiety and chronic pain.

The effect of light on brain function and mood

Light can have a direct impact on brain function and mood. Research has indicated that exposure to natural light can enhance cognitive performance, particularly in tasks that demand sustained attention and working memory. It can also improve our emotional state by reducing symptoms of anxiety and stress.

By contrast, exposure to artificial light, such as blue light emitted from our smartphones, computer screens and other electronic devices, can have a negative impact on our cognitive function and mood. It can also interfere with our ability to concentrate, disrupt our sleep–wake cycle, and lead to symptoms of depression and anxiety. 

Light can also impact our appetite. Studies have highlighted that people are likely to eat slower and consume fewer calories in a brightly lit environment, while they tend to overeat in a dimly lit one.


The impact of lighting on productivity

The impact of lighting on our health and well-being cannot be overstated, particularly in work areas where productivity is vital. Therefore, whether you require lighting for a home office or a traditional workplace, you need to carefully consider which fixtures to install to ensure they provide you with sufficient high-quality illumination. 


Lighting is a crucial aspect that can significantly impact productivity in the workplace. Research has shown that employees are more productive and focused when working in a well-lit environment. Poor lighting can cause eye strain, headaches and fatigue, all of which can cause a decline in productivity. Installing appropriate lighting in the office is essential to create a comfortable working environment and increase overall productivity.

Why should you invest in good office lighting?

Investing in good office lighting will produce a number of benefits. Firstly, it will improve employee productivity by reducing the risk of eye strain and fatigue. Good lighting can reduce human error in tasks that demand high concentration levels. Furthermore, good lighting can create a comfortable and welcoming environment for employees and enhance their well-being and job satisfaction. 

Suitable lighting can also help you save money on energy. By opting for energy-efficient lighting, you can reduce your electricity consumption and lower your utility bills – a win-win for both you and your employees.

How to improve the lighting in your home or office

Utilise natural light

Natural light is the most effective form of lighting and comes at no cost! Therefore, it is recommended to maximise the amount of natural light in your home or office. To take advantage of natural light, you should position your desk or work area close to a window. Mirrors can also be used to reflect light and brighten up any dim areas.

Invest in desk lamps

Desk lamps are a great option to reduce eye strain and provide focused illumination where it is most needed. If you want to add task lighting to your workspace, desk lamps are an excellent choice. It's important to select desk lamps with adjustable brightness levels, colour temperature, and direction to customise the lighting to your specific needs and preferences. A good example would be our range of table reading lamps for the living room, which you can customise to suit your requirements.

Install overhead lights in dark corners 

Overhead lights can brighten up dark corners and add ambient lighting to your workspace. It is recommended to install LED panels or pendant lights that provide bright, even illumination. You can also use track lighting to highlight specific areas or objects in a room.


Choose multifunctional lighting 

Multifunctional lighting fixtures can serve many purposes and provide different types of light, depending on your needs. For example, you can use floor lamps for both ambient and task lighting, making them a great choice for multi-purpose spaces. Additionally, installing dimmer switches can give you greater control over the brightness of your lights, allowing you to adjust the illumination to match your mood or the time of day.

Explore the impact of lighting

You may wish to explore the impact of lighting on mood and productivity and discover how your lighting set-up can be improved. One of the ways to achieve this is to invest in high-quality lighting fixtures sourced from a reputable desk lamp manufacturer. As mentioned, good lighting is important for our overall health and well-being, especially in the context of work areas where productivity is crucial. Therefore, whether you need lighting for your home office or a traditional workplace, you should only choose fixtures that will provide you with sufficient high-quality illumination. Working with a reliable desk lamp manufacturer will help guarantee that your lighting fixtures will be of high quality and meet your specific needs.


To create a productive and comfortable workspace, you must invest in high-quality lighting fixtures and maximise the amount of natural light used. The result will be increased productivity, better health and improved well-being. We strongly recommend that you take the time to evaluate your current lighting provisions and make the necessary adjustments to ensure you have the best possible lighting setup for your work environment. By prioritising your lighting needs, you can create a workspace conducive to productivity and comfortable to work in.