
Report a complaint | Delivery issues

If you have had an issue with your delivery, please contact us.

Please send us a short description and photos of the item(s) by email using the button below.

Please also include the product SKU number, your order number and invoice number.

If possible, specify your preferred resolution in your email. We will contact you regarding the next steps.

Return of item

To ensure the prompt processing of your return, please follow the instructions below.

Contact us with your return request by email, including your order number and the item(s) to be returned.

You will be then emailed a shipping return label.

Please ensure your product(s) are well-packaged, ideally in the undamaged original packaging. Stick the label onto the parcel so that the original label is no longer visible. The carrier can then collect this on the nominated day.

Specified collection date can be organised through our customer service department.

Cancel order | product

To cancel your order, simply let us know by email as soon as possible.

Upon cancellation of your order, you will receive a confirmation email and a refund will be processed.

We always process your order quickly to ensure short delivery times. If you cancel an order when the order has already been dispatched, please refuse the parcel when delivery is attempted and email us as soon as possible.

If the product(s) has already been delivered, we ask you to leave it in its original packaging and to register the return using the instructions for the complaint process under point 1 "Report a complaint".