Delivery costs and time depend on the state you live in. Use this overview to assess your delivery costs and time for your state.

State Delivery Time (in days) Delivery Costs (in INR)
Assam 8-9 900
Andaman & Nicobar 4-5 1000
Uttarakhand 3-4 500
West Bengal 5-6 600
Tamil Nadu 6-7 600
Uttarpradesh 3-4 500
Tripura 8-9 900
Telangana 6-7 600
Mizoram 9-10 900
Sikkim 9-10 900
Rajsthan 3-4 500
Punjab 2-3 500
Pondicherry 7-8 600
Orissa 5-6 600
Nagaland 9-10 900
Meghalaya 9-10 900
Maharasthra 5-6 550
Madhypradesh 5-6 550
Kerala 7-8 850
Manipur 9-10 900
Karnataka 6-7 600
Jammu and Kashmir 5-6 500
Jharkhand 5-6 600
Gujrat 5-6 550
Himachal Pradesh 4-5 500
Haryana 2-3 500
Goa 5-6 550
Daman & Diu 6-7 550
Delhi 2-3 500
Dadra and Nagar Haveli 5-6 550
Bihar 5-6 600
Chandigarh 2-3 500
Chhattisgarh 5-6 550
Arunachal Pradesh 8-9 900
Andhrapradesh 5-6 600