How to pair a lightbulb with the remote (without APP)
After the installation of the lights, it should be noted that they no longer light up RED. After switching on, they are white. In order to associate your device with the remote press and hold the "ZONE" -Button you want for 10 seconds.
Please make sure to be within 30cm of the luminaire Figure 1.1 shows that 3 different groups are possible. Depending on which group you want to integrate them, the button 1, 2 or 3 must be held down for 10 seconds. Luminaires that are not integrated must be switched off. If several lights are integrated at the same time, they can be activated together and the pairing process must be repeated until all lights can be controlled with the remote control.
After the light is successfully connected, it flashes 3x and is then controllable via the remote control.