App and smart devices
1. How to use the Smart Control application for the first time?
You must create an account during the first login.
Fill in the required fields.
You will receive an email confirming the creation of your account.
Launch the Smart Control application.
Accept the suggested settings: Bluetooth, location, notifications.
Enter your access codes.
Smart Control is now accessible.
2. How to install 2 bulbs and 1 remote control in the Smart Control app?
You have 2 light bulbs linked to 1 remote control.
You also wish to control these light bulbs with the application.
Launch the SmartCONTROL application.
The application recognises the light bulbs and the linked remote control. Launch the installation wizard.
STEP 2 Connect the remote control
Switch the remote control to Smartphone mode by pressing the "ON" & "Blue" buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds.
The remote control flickers in red.
Select the remote control detected by the application.
Confirm the remote control installation screens.
The application detects 2 light bulbs already linked to the remote control.
They must now be installed in the application.
Select the first light bulb to be installed.
Confirm the light bulb installation screens.
Change the light bulb name if you wish to and select "Next".
Confirm the light bulb installation screens and select "Next".
Select the room you wish to link and select "Next".
The installation is over, select "Done".
Select the last light bulb to be installed.
Confirm the installation wizard screens.
The 2 light bulbs linked to the remote control have been installed in the application.
The 2 light bulbs are controllable by the remote control and the application.
3. How to associate a new bulb with a group of bulbs already installed in the app?
If you have already installed light bulbs and remote controls in an application, it is a requirement to use this application to link new light bulbs.
Turn on all the light bulbs.
Launch the Smart Control application.
Installation of the new light bulb in the application.
Confirm the light bulb installation screens and select "Next".
The second light bulb is controllable in the application but not with the remote control yet.
To link the remote control to the new light bulb, select "My groups" in the menu.
Hold the remote control icon.
Tick the new light bulb box to link it to the remote control.
Confirm the link.
The remote control and the application control the two light bulbs.
4. How to pair a new remote control in a system already installed on the app?
You have 3 light bulbs linked to 1 remote control and installed in the application.
You wish to control two of these light bulbs with another remote control.
Launch the application and select "My controllers" in the menu.
Switch the remote control to Smartphone mode by pressing the "ON" & "Blue" buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds.
The remote control flickers in red.
Press "+" briefly.
The application detects the new remote control.
Select the new remote control icon (hold).
Confirm the installation wizard screens.
On the light bulb linking screen, select the light bulbs to be linked to the remote control.
Save the link.
The remote control is now installed in the application and controls the 2 selected light bulbs.
5. Pairing a bulb with the app
Go to "My Devices"
Click the “+” icon.
Select the bulb.
Installation of the new bulb in the application.
Validate the installation screens.
Then click “next”.
The bulb is now available in the app.
You can access the settings of this bulb.
6. How can presence be simulated?
By using the on and off programm (ALARM) it is possible to simulate presence.
Alarms have to be programmed before abscence. (Check out our video "How to program lights on & off (alarm)?")
Note: Power supply has to be maintained.
7. Can EGLO connect products be operated with several devices?
EGLO connect products can be connected with several devices (Android and iOS). For each further device, just log in with your user data created during the initial logon.
Simultaneous use may cause problems (i.e. bulb out of reach).
In order to restore controllability, scroll or swipe downwards in the app's device overview (= "refresh") or switch the Bluetooth service off and on again.
All linked bulbs in the app should then be visible and controllable again.
8. "Alarm" has become "Programs"
During the last update of the Smart Control App by AwoX, the "Alarm" function was replaced by the new "Programs" feature.
Thanks to the new feature it is now possible to use five new options for better control and handling. These new features are:
- Timer
- Night light
- Twilight simulator
- Prescene simulator
- Program
The timer allow you to set a countdown for switching your EGLO connect luminaires on or off.
Night light
With the new "Night light" function, the switch-on and switch-off times of your EGLO connect luminaires can be easily programmed. Choose your personal period, the preferred days of the week, the desired sequence and brightness and illuminate your home during the night.
Twilight simulator
The twilight simulator makes it easy to set the time that your EGLO connect luminaires need for increasing illumination before they reach full brightness at the set time.
Prescene Simulator
Use the prescene simulator to create a schedule to simulate an prescene even when you are not at home.
The new "Program" function allows you to create daily programs that switch your EGLO connect products on and off. This feature is especially recommended for those who often forget to turn off the luminaires before leaving the house.
9. How to program lights on & off (alarm)?
Your light is controllable from the app.
Click on
Select "Alarms"
Click the "+" icon to add an alarm
Set the desired time
Choose Turn Off or Turn On
Select at what time the light turn either off or on
Select the days when the alarm should repeat
The alarm is programmed
10. Information about the new PRESET function
In the FAVORITES you will now find 4 so-called "PRESETS". These 4 PRESETS are "programmable favourites".
These PRESETS are stored at item level, but can also be used at individual luminaire level, room level or group level.
With this new feature it is now possible to create individual lighting scenes for rooms or groups.
How is a PRESET saved?
Select the desired lighting setting for your luminaire. You can do this either by selecting a favourite or by adjusting the lighting scene using the colour palette.
Press and hold the desired PRESET button to save the setting at luminaire level.
IMPORTANT: You can also set the desired lighting scene using the remote control.
Press and hold one of the two buttons for favourites on the remote control to save the setting.
Favourites button 1 on the remote control = PRESET 1, button 2 = PRESET 2.
How to call up a PRESET?
You can call up the PRESETS using the application (at luminaire level, room level or group level to which the luminaire is assigned) To do this, briefly press the respective PRESET button.
PRESET 1 and PRESET 2 can also be called up using the remote control. They correspond to the "FAVORIT 1" and "FAVORIT 2" buttons on the remote control.
IMPORTANT: Before version 5.3.2, "FAVORIT 1" and "FAVORIT 2" on the remote control were intended to call up preset favourites for all luminaires controlled by the remote control. The favourite was then applied to ALL luminaires.
With version 5.3.2, the "FAVORIT 1" and "FAVORIT 2" buttons call up the PRESETS individually set for the respective luminaire. This now allows individual lighting scenes for entire rooms or groups to be set and saved! Below is an example of how to create such a lighting scenario for a room.
11. How to create a group?
With at least 2bulbs installed, you can group them for simultaneous control.
Select "My groups"
Click the "+" icon to create a new group
Give your group a name
Check the bulbs to add to the group
Save your settings
You can now control the bulbs of your group in "My Groups".
12. How to use the light control?
Your light is controllable from the app.
Click on
Select a favorite of your choice, color or white
or go to the following control screens, click on the icons in the bottom banner.
Select a color on the palette.
Adjust the brightness
Select an ambiance (For groups of bulbs)
Select a Sequence mode (Auto color change)
Play music to start disco mode (Brightness & color vary to the rhythm of the music)